Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wiggin' Out Wednesday & Oh So Grateful

Hi everyone and happy Wednesday!  I just wanted to thank everyone for the great response to my latest post.  Who knew my balls would be such a hit?!  Sorry if I didn't make it quite clear in the post, they were actually Christmas ornaments.  You can't even tell that's what they were!  Pretty cool huh?  So if you decide to go out and get some balls of your own I would love to see your creations!

I need to send another thank you to Tammy over at Type A for featuring my Nifty Nursery - Girls Rock! post.  I was so excited to see it at the top of the list.  SWEET!  Here's me all excited!!

I'm so excited... and I just can't hide it!

FYI that is a wig I'm wearing!

Anyway, Tammy's blog also has some fantastic revamps and crafty projects that you must check out, as well as a weekly link up party where Anything Goes!  Be sure to send her some bloggy love.

I'm working on some other great projects that I'll be posting soon.  I recently found a large decorative bowl that I'm trying a Mod Podge treatment on and redoing a blanket chest that's been collecting dust in my basement.  I hope you'll come back to see what I've been up to this week.

Now I'm off to have garlic burgers and beers with the girls today. 

Have a great day!   


  1. I am in search of balls today. I hope I find some that can be remade. Maybe some brass ones.

  2. Jen! Enjoy your Burgers & Beers! The Balls were so inspiring as is everything you do! I hope when we move I can use some of your tips to make our next place feel more 'homey' Lol!

    Love ya!


  3. hi jen,
    sorry i have not gotten back with you but thanks for following my blog and for the great comments. love your blog.
